Meet the Team!

Meet the unsung heros of this site. me, Sebastian. the head honcho of the whole opperation. my technical knowledge of zoo tycoon systems is a benefit to the whole team. Elijah. the guy to go to when it seems like things are hopeless. his creativity and unbounded knowledge of anything having to do with electronics is essential to the whole team. Fiona, the one behind the teams creativity and spunk. her desire to acheive the impossible lifts us up in times of difficulty.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Jurassic Park expansion Pack has Been released!

at last! our very first expansion pack is finished! this is the jurassic park pack's final details. Tragically, velociraptor had to be cut, due to program conflicts with Pachycephlosaurus. plus there is already a perfectly good velociraptor in zoo tycoon already. however, it has no glitches and will be available to individuals upon request, but if you download velociraptor, pachycephalosaurus WILL NOT work. Thankfully though, everything else is finished and glitch free and ready to come to your zoo! get them here: heres comsagnathus heres pachycephalosaurus here is dilophosaurus heres the jurassic park sign here are the ferns and last but not least, moss that is everything, i know, it is kind of a small pack, but we didnt have a lot of time. thats why we will make a sequel within the next two years that will be far more complete. the next expansion pack we are working on is the invertabrate pack, due in may. so there you have it, my christmas present to all of you. Merry Christmas!