Meet the Team!

Meet the unsung heros of this site. me, Sebastian. the head honcho of the whole opperation. my technical knowledge of zoo tycoon systems is a benefit to the whole team. Elijah. the guy to go to when it seems like things are hopeless. his creativity and unbounded knowledge of anything having to do with electronics is essential to the whole team. Fiona, the one behind the teams creativity and spunk. her desire to acheive the impossible lifts us up in times of difficulty.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Finaly! Pokemight expansion pack sample

this just released! this is a sample of The Pokemight pokemon expansion pack for zoo tycoon 1. this is an exclusive Charizard Stutue. notice the highly enhanced graphics and shading used for it. most of the Pokemight items and animals feature similar graphics enhancements. Get it Here: Enjoy!

random downloads

here are some random downloads for zoo tycoon 1 created by me and my team. radishes. a tasty plant. get it here: heres some bones, though they will appear as rocks. these are blue crystal flowers that float in the air. this is arthropluera, a ten foot long millepede that lived bfore the dinosaurs. this was the first creation me and my team ever made. its kinda cheesy, but its glitch free and pretty cool. it is here:

Pokemon Downloads

Here we go. My first set of pokemon downloads. These are all Made by Me and my associates and are 100 percent safe, although a few have errors or bugs that cannot be fixed. if any, they are listed. all of these are for zoo tycoon 1, NOT zoo tycoon 2. none of these require any of the zoo tycoon expansion packs. here they are: this is Primal Dialga. a Huge legendarie pokemon of time. his only bug is he dissapears ocasionaly, but this is actually just him warping through time. download him here:"> the next creation i would like to share is pachirisu. it is a cute rain forest electric mouse pokemon related to pikachu. its only bug is that when the babies try to run they become invisible. no other known glitches. download it Here: my next pokemon themed download is the ditto statue. this is a neat statue of the shape shifting pokemon ditto. get it here: here is a bonus download. a giant stuffed ho-oh legendary bird Pokemon! get it here: so there they are, my first pokemon downloads!